Sunday, February 20, 2011

Sugar, da da da da da da, oh honey honey, da da da da da da...

I will miss you...but only for a little bit.

Tomorrow I'm beginning a 30 day NO SUGAR pact with a couple friends. Why you ask? Because this "drug" is terrible for us and my body needs a detox. I have to admit, I have a weakness for sweets and it's taken over the last couple weeks.

I CAN DO IT! I once gave up all sweets (excluding fruit) for about 3 months and I actually felt so much better, physically and mentally, when I did this. I already live a grain-free lifestyle, so with very little carbs and cutting out the sugar, I'm hoping to get rid of the blood sugar spikes that I know aren't good for our bodies.

The first week is going to completely suck, but it should get better. I'm so hoping that this move doesn't trigger any other crazy craving though!!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

It was time for a new look

Thanks to for the inspiration and all the blog freebies. It took awhile, but my blog is finally in a state that I'm pretty happy with! It might be a tad over the top, but that's what I LOVE about it! lol!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Taking the Clean Eating style!

Well, I did it! I finally cleared the pantry of all the processed junk. I've successfully avoided this "stuff" for months, but wasn't prepared to transfer my healthy habits to my kiddos...until now.

I have to say, this first week has not been easy. They're so used to grabbing the frozen pancakes and waffles for breakfast, the Lunchables and chips for lunch, and so on. I am learning though that just like my meals, their meals don't have to be real "conventional." For example, Cassius had cocoa almonds, a cheese stick, and apples for breakfast yesterday. He got in some healthy fat, protein, and fiber...really a pretty well-rounded meal!

One snack that's been a hit with both the kiddos and me, Clean Cinnamon Chocolate Chip Protein Bars. Paired with some fruit, these would make for a great breakfast as well. (And, they are a super tasty treat with coffee!!)

The bottom line is that this is a great change for my kids, but I've quickly realized it will take a huge commitment on my part. But that's okay, BRING IT ON! Will every day be perfect? No, but I'm super pumped about the changes we've made in the first week alone. And, the kids have actually been excited to go to the store and pick out their "healthy" foods.

Stay tuned for more updates on this adventure!!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

To the left, to the left...

It cracks us up when Cassius jams out to the Tootsie Roll song. Daddy totally eggs him on too!

Monday, June 1, 2009

A Pinkalicious Day

Gabs and I shared a mommy-daughter day and headed out to the Pinkalicious musical performed by a troop from NYC at the Bloomington Center for Performing Arts. She was super excited to wear her twirly pinkalicious petti.

If you know me well, you know I can be a last minute sort of gal and scoring these tickets was no exception. I lucked out though! They must have released a handful of tickets because we ended up in like the 5th row, right stage...just perfect.

Gab's friend and her mommy went to the show too, so we hung out for a bit afterward. The girls even got their pink crayon souvenier boxes signed and their picture taken with the cast!

From left to right: Pinkalicious, Peter, Madelon, Mr. Pink, Gabs, Mrs. Pink, Dr. Wink/Allison

Bye Bye Curls.

They're (mostly) gone! I was just about in tears when Corey brought him home from his cut. But he's still my handsome little man. He just looks like such a big boy now!

The most cottony fluffiness I've ever seen.

Gabby: Mommy look at that sheep in the sky!!

It would've been impossible not to notice this beauty when driving home last Saturday evening. We pulled into the garage and then walked to an open clearing a couple blocks away to get a better view and score a couple pictures. This has got to be the most amazing cloud I've ever seen. It looked so close that you'd have thought we could reach out and touch it.