Monday, November 10, 2008

Not your typical bedtime story (teller)

Check out my big girl Gabs. For those that know the fam well, you know that Gabs spent most of the first year of Cassius' life pretending like he wasn't there. He just couldn't do much, so she didn't pay much attention. Boy, has that all changed!

We always read before the kids' bedtime and Cassius has quickly fallen into this routine. Only, it's usually daddy or I doing the reading...until recently. Yep, he's been wanting his sissy to help with the reading. Especially his "First Words" book. It's perfect because she can point to a picture and ask him to say what it is. Or, if he's having a hard time, she can say what it is and he'll repeat her.

By the way, just 15 minutes earlier, he was chasing her around like a madman and she was running for her life! I bet sometimes she wishes he'd still just lie around...NAH!!!!!!! Then what would she do with all that time and energy?! It's so cool to see them grow up and (sometimes) bond!!

1 comment:

Tori said...

I LOVE this blog! What a great family moment captured. And you did a wonderful job writing it up. It's something your kids will cherish later as much as you do right now. Thanks for sharing this piece of your family with us!!!!